How To Be Happy At Internet - Not!

Make A Difference In Your Community TodaySure! Here are some tongue-in-cheek tips on how NOT to be happy on the internet: 1. Compare yourself to everyone: Spend hours scrolling through social media, comparing your life to carefully curated highlight reels of others. Bonus points for feeling inadequate afterward. 2. Engage in endless arguments: Seek out controversial topics and engage in heated debates with strangers online. Remember, the angrier you get, the better! 3. Believe everything you read: Who needs critical thinking? Accept every sensational headline and conspiracy theory as gospel truth. Bonus points for spreading misinformation. 4. Feed the trolls: Respond passionately to every negative comment or troll bait. Remember, the more attention you give them, the bigger they grow. 5. Never log off: Spend every waking moment glued to your screen. Ignore your responsibilities, relationships, and personal well-being in favor of endless scrolling. 6. Seek validation from strangers: Base your self-worth on likes, shares, and followers. Remember, your value as a human being is directly proportional to your online clout. 7. Forget about privacy: Share every intimate detail of your life online, from your breakfast choices to your relationship drama. Bonus points for oversharing. 8. Let FOMO rule your life: Constantly compare your offline experiences to the perfectly curated lives of others online. Remember, if you're not documenting every moment, it didn'

How To Be Happy At Internet - Not!

How To Be Happy At Internet - Not!

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