Sure! Here are some tongue-in-cheek tips on how NOT to be happy on the internet Internet Chicks
1. Compare yourself to everyone: Spend hours scrolling through social media, comparing your life to carefully curated highlight reels of others. Bonus points for feeling inadequate afterward.
2. Engage in endless arguments: Seek out controversial topics and engage in heated debates with strangers online. Remember, the angrier you get, the better!
3. Believe everything you read: Who needs critical thinking? Accept every sensational headline and conspiracy theory as gospel truth. Bonus points for spreading misinformation.
4. Feed the trolls: Respond passionately to every negative comment or troll bait. Remember, the more attention you give them, the bigger they grow.
5. Never log off: Spend every waking moment glued to your screen. Ignore your responsibilities, relationships, and personal well-being in favor of endless scrolling.
6. Seek validation from strangers: Base your self-worth on likes, shares, and followers. Remember, your value as a human being is directly proportional to your online clout.
7. Forget about privacy: Share every intimate detail of your life online, from your breakfast choices to your relationship drama. Bonus points for oversharing.
8. Let FOMO rule your life: Constantly compare your offline experiences to the perfectly curated lives of others online. Remember, if you're not documenting every moment, it didn't happen.
9. Avoid genuine connections: Keep your interactions superficial and transactional. Forget about meaningful conversations and genuine human connection in favor of likes and follows.
10. Ignore your mental health: Push aside any feelings of anxiety, depression, or loneliness. Remember, masking your struggles with endless distractions is the key to happiness on the internet.
Remember, these tips are meant to be sarcastic! In reality, finding happiness on the internet (and in life) involves balance, mindfulness, and healthy boundaries.
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